Monday, November 28, 2011

Introduction to Romania

Romania is a unique culture over flowing with lush, rich heritage and robust history.  This culture stems from a mix of Roman and possibly Dacian background with many other various influences.  Many Slavic people immigrating from areas such as Greece, the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires, Hungary, and Transylvania created Romania's cultural foundation while countries such as France and Germany have created what is known as modern day Romania.

Due to the fact that Romania is such a centrally located country, it has received many various influences contributing to the culture it now possesses.  Some examples include its language which stems from a Latin base that is similar to Spanish and French, its cuisine which resembles its neighboring countries dishes from Russia, Greece, Hungary, and Germany, and its dance which has influence originating from Greek and Balkan culture.  Having so many various influences brought into its humble borders, Romania has slowly and deliberately been transformed into a little melting pot of culture paired with a long, hardy history steeped with rich roots.

For some basic facts and figures concerning Romania, its population, geography, and other various aspects of this wonderful country visit

Table of Contents:
Romanian Cuisine
Languages of Romania
Romanian Dance
Religion in Romania

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