Romanian Dance

The Hora Dance Being Performed During a Ceremony

Romanians possess a rich culture that is well represented through their dance.  The most famous of these dances being the traditional and very well known hora.  This cognate stems from the Greece form of this dace known as Chorea which can literally be translated as "circle" or "round dance".  During this dance, all of the participants hold hands in a giant circle as they rotate counter clockwise as each member follows a sequence of three steps forward and one step in reverse.  The dance is usually accompanied by various instruments creating a classical atmosphere.  This style of dance is most commonly witnessed during such events as weddings and festivals as the traditionally large Romanian families gather in celebration.  Through the hora, the Romanian, Bulgarian, and many other local cultures have developed off-branching dances such as the hora unirii, "hora of union", the hora bucuriei, "hora of joy", and the oda bucuriei, "ode to joy".  This traditional dance is a huge corner stone in Romanian culture and has spread its influence all throughout the world. 

Through this site you can learn more about the various dances and ceremonies practiced in Romania