Religion in Romania

A More Classic View of Romanian-Practiced Orthodox Christianity

Being a European country, it makes sense that religion would play a very large role in this countries culture.  Most in Romania follow the Orthodox Christian beliefs.  The Orthodox churches in Romania closely resemble the religious beliefs held by most European countries.  Although this may currently be the most popular religion in Romania, it has not always been as so.  During and directly after WWII, the communist party played a huge role in religion and politics and even went as far as attempting to rid the country of its Orthodox foundation.  Priests were jailed during this time and people were executed under Nicolae Ceausescu's iron fist and this practice was carried on until almost the 21st century!  Besides its predominantly Orthodox Christian background, Romania consists of other religions including Roman Catholicism, Greek Catholicism, Protestantism, Islamic, and Judaism.  Despite all of these other influences, Romania has managed to stay predominantly Orthodox Christian.

A very helpful website if you would like to know any more about the various religions in Romania is